Spatial Distribution of Zeolite ZSM-5 within Catalyst Bodies Affects Selectivity and Stability of Methanol-to-Hydrocarbons Conversion

by Castaño, Ruiz-Martinez, Epelde, Gayubo, Weckhuysen
ChemCatChem Year: 2013


Implicated in the catalysis crime: The spatial distribution of zeolite ZSM‐5 aggregates within industrial‐like catalyst bodies has a vast impact on the methanol‐to‐olefin selectivity and overall stability of the catalyst. Catalyst bodies with smaller ZSM‐5 aggregates yield more olefins, less paraffins, and significantly less coke than catalyst bodies containing less dispersed ZSM‐5 crystals. This result has direct implications on the way catalysts are prepared and manufactured.
