
Upgrading renewables, secondary, and waste streams through innovative hydroprocessing catalysts and reaction pathways

Problem statement

Hydroprocessing is a well-implemented and versatile refinery conversion strategy, comprising a wide array of reaction routes such as: (i) hydrotreating, aiming for the hydrogenation of unsaturated hydrocarbons and the removal (hydrogenolysis) of heteroatoms such as sulfur or nitrogen; (ii) hydrocracking, for promoting C–C bond scission and the partial saturation of aromatics; or (iii) hydrodeoxygenation, for the specific removal of oxygen moieties. In this project, we investigate the conversion of highly polyaromatic feedstock like heavy fuel oil (HFO), pyrolysis fuel oil (PFO), or bio-oils from different biomass sources (i.e., agricultural waste, algae) for quality improvement and obtaining products with higher added value.

We seek new (thermo-) catalytic strategies and improved heterogeneous catalysts with increased activity and stability. We put advanced analytical characterization techniques (i.e., nuclear magnetic resonance, high-res mass spectrometry) to work and combine their results with modeling and statistical tools.


  • Develop a quantitative analytical workflow to analyze and interpret these complex reacting environments
  • Explore novel renewable and waste resources to obtain chemicals and fuels
  • Deploy ad-hoc catalysts and process conditions to incorporate these wastes in the refinery (bio- and waste-refinery)
  • Analyze process dynamics and kinetics

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Aromatics Reduction of Pyrolysis Gasoline (PyGas) over HY-Supported Transition Metal Catalysts

by Castaño, Pawelec, Fierro, Arandes, Bilbao
Appl. Catal. A: Gen. Year: 2006


The hydrodearomatization of pyrolysis gasoline (PyGas) over bifunctional catalysts, based on noble metals (Pt, Pd, Ir, Ni) supported on a HY zeolite, has been studied in a fixed-bed reactor. The surface structures of the catalysts were determined by CO chemisorption, photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) and temperature-programmed desorption of H2 (H2-TPD). Catalyst acidity was assessed by ammonia desorption measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC-NH3) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of adsorbed pyridine (FTIR-Py). The kinetic performance and product selectivity of the catalysts were discussed in terms of the data provided by surface characterization techniques. Kinetic interpretation was carried out by using individual step conversion, i.e. hydrogenation and ring-opening. The results under mild ring-opening (MRO) conditions indicate a strong dependence of the hydrogenation activity on the metal used. Operating under severe ring-opening (SRO) conditions, a linear dependency of conversion and n-alkane yield on total acidity of the catalyst was observed.
