
Towards a feasible and stable thermocatalytic conversion of CO₂ to methanol and E-fuels

Problem statement

Unarguably, CO₂ is a crucial concern affecting climate change. To cope with or solve the issue, viable valorization strategies are required to efficiently use CO₂, allowing for a circular economy. We aim to convert CO₂ into CO, methane, methanol, dimethyl ether, or E-fuels.

Our activities in CO2 conversion are related to (i) analyzing the stability of industrially relevant catalysts under realistic conditions and (ii) developing new catalytic materials based on Cu. In (i), we are developing reactors that augment the kinetic information: (a) in situ and operando spectroscopic reactors that work under (close to) working conditions to study structure-performance relationships, (b) periodic reactors with transient or variable conditions over time or space. In (ii), we work mainly with novel materials such as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs).

We guide the design of these catalysts based on stability and using density functional theory (DFT) and microkinetic modeling.


  • Develop advanced structure-function-deactivation relationships of industrially relevant catalysts
  • Analyze the effect of “activity modifiers,” such as sulfur species, aromatics, chlorine, etc., on the catalyst structure and performance
  • Improve the catalyst structure-function correlations using in-situ, operando, and dynamic techniques and reactors
  • Synthesize new catalytic materials with enhanced stability and selectivity
  • Develop a microkinetic-based modeling framework to analyze the catalyst performance

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Silicon carbide in catalysis: from inert bed filler to catalytic support and multifunctional material

by Kulkarni, Velisoju, Tavares, Dikhtiarenko, Gascon, Castaño
Catal. Rev. Year: 2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01614940.2022.2025670


Silicon carbide (SiC) or carborundum has unparalleled thermal stability and conductivity compared with many other materials. This feature together with its unique photoelectrical properties (tunable band gap: 2.39–3.33 eV), low thermal expansion, high strength, and good chemical and thermal stability makes it an ideal inert solid in catalysis. The evolution of methods for synthesizing SiC has also progressively endowed it with additional features at the multiscale. This review tracks the development of SiC from a secondary to a leading role material in catalysis. First, the intrinsic properties of SiC are discussed and compared with other state-of-the-art catalytic materials. The synthetic methods are systematically reviewed and compared. Then, the applications of SiC in catalysis are assessed, paying particular attention to those that involve C1 chemistry (Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis and the valorization of CO2 and CH4), photocatalysis and biomass conversion. Finally, the potential future applications of SiC are also addressed and discussed.
